About US

​The Fur Institute of Canada is a national, non-profit association representing people working in every sector of the Canadian fur trade, in all regions of the country.

One of the unique features of the Canadian fur trade is that it includes all the sectors, from primary producers to finished products: i.e., trappers, farmers, auction houses, processors, designers, craftspeople, manufacturers and retail furriers.

Some 65,000 Canadians work in the fur trade, contributing $800 million for the Canadian economy, including more than $300 million in exports.


Canadian Workers

Canadian Economy Contribution


The Fur Institute of Canada

The FIC is the national voice for Canada’s fur sector. Created in 1983 by Canada’s Wildlife Ministers, we are a globally-recognized authority on humane trapping and furbearer conservation. We advocate strongly for the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, particularly the use of fur. Since 1999 we have also ensured Canada’s compliance with the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards